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Acortador de URL
Beginners start here! The very basics of putting something on a webpage
Make your pages interactive
A text editor in your console
How data is sent between applications
A popular syntax for pattern matching
A way to architecture your applications around verbs and resources
Control the DOM with javascript
A programming language to easily pick up
A basic microframework for python on the web
Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight micro framework for Python
A popular web framework for python
An asynchronous microframework for python on the web
An easy, expressive and dynamic scripting language
An awesome web framework for ruby
Create a backend with javascript
The most popular web framework for node
A new language for the web
A functional language built on top of the Erlang VM
A simple javascript based database
Build apps for iOS devices
Build apps for Android devices
Build apps for windows phones
A popular database language
A popular frontend framework
An event-driven web framework for javascript
A framework to build realtime web applications in JavaScript
A dynamic stylesheet language
Easily deploy your applications
Version control that's simple to use
The basics of making web requests
General tips around security
The basics of secure connections
A way to cache your data in memory
Build powerful data-driven html and javascript
Build robust single-page apps with javascript
A framework that makes handling data easier in javascript
A utility belt for javascript
A utility library delivering performance
Extend the functionality of javascript
A language that compiles to javascript
A new language for structured web app engineering
A server-side language for the web
Popular software architecture pattern
An awesome MVC PHP Framework
The php framework for web artisans
Lightweight, fast and easy to learn framework
A popular programming language
A new, highly performant language that works with Java
A popular web framework for scala
A realtime backend for your web or mobile app
A very popular http web server
A popular http web server, load balancer and http cache
A web programming language great for text manipulation and rapid development
The world's most advanced open source database
A tool for building and managing virtual environments
Create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers
A development framework for the web
A server application for java
Ranking well in search engines
How to expose and access data from different services
Simple HTTP Push Notifications
An easy way to distribute, monetize and consume multiple APIs
Get data about people and their networks
Send and receive texts and calls
Accept payments on your site
A backend for mobile apps
A natural language processing service
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